Donington Park Racing Association Club
DPRAC Membership Applications and Renewals
New members and renewals are always welcomed, and we list below the information you need to become a member/renew your existing membership.
Firstly, if you are going to Donington Park, just pop into our suites, complete an application form and hand it to one of the committee members together with your fees and a membership card will be issued on the day.
Membership fees are just £10 single membership or £17 for a joint membership.
(Joint members can be family or friends.)
We are in Suites 20 & 21 which are right next to parc ferme.
Yon can apply by post by completing an application form using the pdf form below and sending it with your cheque and SAE to the Membership Secretary.
If you don't have a cheque book, please give Phil a call and we can sort out an alternative payment method. (Mob; 07739473108)
The Committee thank you for your continued support of the club.